Aktuelles Album:
Gog Bites Back (2023)
Album Preview:
Musik-Stil: Blues-Rock / Soul-Blues
Nominiert Blues Blast Award – New Artist Debüt Release
Dyer Davis ist ein amerikanischer Sänger/Gitarrist, der gerade sein Debütalbum bei Wild Roots Records veröffentlicht hat.
Er hat die letzten 8 Jahre seines jungen Lebens als Rockmusiker verbracht und sich vor kurzem von der Band Rubber Soul Child getrennt. Jetzt, mit 23 Jahren, ist er zu der Musik zurückgekehrt, die ihn zuerst inspirierte, Musiker zu werden. Als Kind begeisterte ihn sein Vater, ebenfalls ein Musiker, für die Musik der 60er und 70er Jahre. Die Künstler, die ihn am meisten ansprachen, waren die bluesbasierten Rocker, insbesondere die frühen Jeff Beck-Platten mit Rod Stewart. Dies vermittelte ihm die Bedeutung des Blues als wichtigste Grundlage für die Musik, zu der er sich hingezogen fühlt. Blues, Rock und Soul sind die Pfeiler seiner Musik, mit der Dyer Davis sowohl die „alte“ als auch die neue Generation des Blues anspricht.
In Europa ist Dyer zurzeit noch ein echter Geheimtipp, doch diesen jungen Mann sollte man auf dem Fokus haben!
Auf Gefälligkeit produziert ist das Album nicht. In keiner Weise glatt gebügelt, gleichgemacht, leblos heruntergelutscht. Es klingt vielmehr kolossal , halleuja. Zeigt sehr wohl Ideenreichtum, Ecken und Kanten, urwüchsige Kraft, Leidenschaft
und ganz viel Seele.
(Frank Horn/ bluesnews)
Dyer Davis gets the New Year off to a rousing start with Dog Bites Back, a blistering set that mixes blues, rock and soul from one of the most exciting new voices in all three genres!”
(Graham Clarke Blues Bytes)
“The journey from the first to last track in Dyer’s album is as important as the destination – Enjoy it all the way!”
(Michael Limnios Blues Hall of Fame)
“Dyer Davis brings new immediacy to blues and blues-rock by singing as if he were probing a deep recess within him. His album jumps him to the front row of the most promising young up-and-comers.”
(Frank-John Hadley DownBeat)
“Davis’ vocal strength and inspired songwriting skills, combined with his remarkable ability as a guitar player, makes Dyer Davis one of the hottest new names in the contemporary world of the Blues/Rock genre’.” –
(Gio Pilato Bluebird Reviews)
“Dyer Davis stands apart from other blues rockers… in addition to being a great guitar player, he’s also a great singer and arranger. Think Stevie Ray Vaughan meets the Black Crows,”
(Lew Jetton Show Host State Line Blues)
“Every song here exudes magic, untouchable feeling of someone who is about to become huge. Davis has the skills, maturity, and artistry of players twice his age and stands out as an individual, even in a crowded playing field. Dog Bites Back is one of the strongest debut albums to come down in quite some time. Dyer Davis gives every indication of being on a trajectory to become one of the dominant artists in contemporary blues. Remember: you heard it here first.”
(Rock & Blues Muse Review – By Mike O’Cull)
“This is the most exciting thing I’ve heard since Cristone Kingfish Ingram’s debut.”” Dog Bites Back has the ferocious energy of Zeppelin’s early stuff; this original and exciting blend of rock ‘n’ blues has the nuts to blow you away!”
(Hot Wax Record Reviews by the Rock Doctor *****+)
“This is an exceptional album. The first time through I thought what a fine soulful blues rock CD it was. The second time through I was even more impressed and with each listen I hear more and more that tells me this is a really great piece of work. I most highly recommend it and I have a feeling that folks will take notice of this album when the next sets of awards start coming out – it really is a superb album!”
(Blues Blast Magazine Senior writer Steve Jones)
“Dyer’s guitar playing on Train Wreck and the title track Dog Bites Back is right up there with Paul Kossoff and Ronnie Wood; totally understated but grizzly and dare I say it; sexy too; yet never over playing his hand and never threatening those ornery vocal performances…, that show a young singer at the very top of his game as he enunciates every single word while sounding every inch the Rock Star. WOWZA! It has knocked me for six!”
(Rocking Magpie Review UK)
“All the pieces fit together perfectly, and the results are outstanding. ” Dog Bites Back ” is an understatement. This is one hound that holds on and never let’s go! Highly entertaining, thoroughly exciting, and pure enjoyment from start to finish. Superb debut that gets better and more interesting with repeated listening’s. Dyer Davis will set the music world on fire for years to come. Well Done !!”
(John Muller – North Jersey Blues Society)
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(Vorlaufzeit 6 Wochen)
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